I really love the Utility Down Shirt Jacket from Huckberry! It is a stylish piece of outdoor gear that pushes the boundaries of what outdoor wear can do and has got you covered anywhere, anytime.
The Utility Down Shirt Jacket is a quilted, insulated layer that protects you against cold weather, both at home and in the field. It features 700 fill power recycled down insulation that really keeps me warm as temperatures drop.
The internal bound seams are reinforced against wear and tear and give a smooth finish to the interior. I like that the rib knit collar with snap closure keep the piece secure. In addition, the two front snap hand pockets with webbing and two chest pockets with snap flaps are great for storage and carrying needs.
I like how comfortable it is, it's a very regular fit. If anyone else is interested in the Utility Down Shirt Jacket from Huckberry, click on the images up above! It's a great jacket.
- 700 fill power recycled down insulation keeps you warm as temperatures drop
- Internal bound seams are reinforced against wear and tear and give a smooth finish to the interior
- Rib knit collar with snap closure keep the piece secure
- Two front snap hand pockets with webbing and two chest pockets with snap flaps and webbing for storage and carrying needs
This utility jacket is very comfortable, and keeps you warm no matter what you are doing.