Croque Madame

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Croque Madame
Brand / Company: Delish
Product / Service: Croque Madame
Price: N/A
Rating From Sean Murphy
Average Rating
5 from 1 user

A delicious morning treat featuring fried egg and Mornay sauce, easy to make any day of the week!

While browsing for new recipes on Delish, I came across the Croque Madame recipe. I had not really heard the term before, but turns out croque madame literally means "mister crunch"! And true to its name, it's a treasure trove of textures. When a friend egg is placed on this sandwich, it transforms into a croque madame. This recipe specifically features layers of thinly slices ham, melted cheese, and a delicious crunch from toasted bread. A new fave for seasons to come!

The recipe for Croque Madame is fairly easy to make, and yields 2 servings with a prep time of 10 minutes and a total time of 30 minutes. If anyone is interested in checking out the instructions, please click on the image up above.

The following ingredients were used:

- 1 tbsp. butter
- 1 tbsp. all-purpose flour
- 2/3 c. whole milk
- 1/4 tsp. Pinch kosher salt
- 1/4 tsp. Freshly ground black pepper
- 1/4 c. shredded Gruyère

- 4 slices thick brioche or country bread
- 2 tbsp. butter, softened
- 2 tsp. whole grain Dijon mustard
- 1/2 c. Mornay sauce
- 6 thin slices ham
- 1 c. shredded Gruyère, divided

- 1 tbsp. butter
- 2 large eggs
- Maldon, for sprinkling
- Freshly ground black pepper


- easy to make
- yields 2 servings
- delicious with textures galore
- perfect for breakfast or even lunch or dinner
- easily modifiable

Bottom Line:

This sandwich recipe is amazing, especially the traditional Mornay sauce and melted cheese. I highly recommend checking this recipe out!

Croque Madame, Fried Egg, Egg, Sandwich, Croque Madame Recipe, Recipe, Delish
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Faved April, 22 2022 by:

Sean Murphy
Dublin, IE-L, IE
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